Episode 211 – Corte Vetusto Mezcal – Matthew Tarallo

This episode features ⁠Matthew Tarallo⁠ of ⁠Corte Vetusto Mezca⁠l. Matthew comes from corporate America. His resume lists experiences with ⁠Coca-Cola⁠ and ⁠British American Tobacco⁠. Today he is developing an entity that allows for focusing on creating brands and expanding the footprint and recognition of existing brands. Corte Vetusto Mezcal is their first partnership. This premium mezcal is flavorful, delicious and complex.… Keep Reading

Episode 210 – Tin City Distillery – Patrick Brooks

This episode features ⁠Patrick Brooks⁠ of ⁠Tin City Distillery⁠. Tin City Distillery, In Pasa Robles, CA, is “in the heart of a drinking town with a farming problem”. After you make world class wine you distill it into brandy. The idea for the distillery came way too late at night while drinking wine. They decided that instead of… Keep Reading

Episode 208 – Broken Shed Vodka – Mark Simmonds

This episode features ⁠Mark Simmonds⁠ of ⁠Broken Shed Vodka⁠. It was in 2009 that two Americans came down to Lake Wanaka on holiday. They fell in love with New Zealand. They were drinking vodka martini’s with Mark and the asked the question. “Why are we drinking these with imported vodka?” Mark has twenty five plus years of experience… Keep Reading

Episode 207 – Wilderness Trail Distillery – Dr. Pat Heist

This episode features ⁠Dr. Pat Heist ⁠of ⁠Wilderness Trail Distillery⁠. Wilderness Trail Distillery is the culmination of expertise that began as a fermentation company. ⁠Shane Baker⁠ and Pat Heist started ⁠Ferm Solutions⁠, a fermentation company that services hundreds of distilleries. It was the knowledge that they gained through working with distilleries and breweries that led them to open Wilderness Trail. They… Keep Reading

Episode 206 – Tepache Sazón – Rio Chenery

This episode features ⁠Rio Chenery⁠ of ⁠Tepache Sazón⁠. Tepache is a fermented fruit or vegetable wine from Mexico. It dates back to prior to the Spanish arriving. This was originally a fermented corn drink from the Aztecs. This tepache comes from Michoacán and is something new to the United States market. Tepache Sazón is a unique regional drink… Keep Reading

Episode 205 – Buzz Mead – Walt Talunas and Steve Occhiolini

This episode features Walt Talunas and Steve Occhiolini of ⁠⁠Buzz Mead⁠⁠. Buzz Mead got started on a whim. 3 Bee Keepers Walt, Steve and George came together to sell honey from their apiaries. They make and sell a wide variety of cream and infused honeys. It was George that made the suggestion to start making mead.… Keep Reading

Episode 204 – Shore Sauce – Neil Narcisse

This episode features Neil Narcisse of ⁠Shore Sauce⁠.  Shore sauce started 6 years ago. Neil sat down to dinner one night and he emptied the last bottle of hot sauce in the house. He looked at the bottle and its simple ingredients. He googled recipes and how to make hot sauce. One of his favorites at… Keep Reading

Episode 203 – Bad Ideas Beverage – Brian Makela

This episode features ⁠Brian Makela⁠ of ⁠Bad Ideas Beverage⁠. Brian has a background in food science. He’s been in the food and beverage industry throughout his career.It was in 2019 that the decided to take a leap and form his own company. He honed his skills and expertise which brought him to the next company, Bad Ideas Beverage.… Keep Reading

Episode 202 – Kilinga Bacanora – Rodrigo Bojorquez

This episode features Rodrigo Bojorquez of ⁠Kilinga Bacanora⁠. Bacanora is the original sprit from the state of Sonora. It’s a mezcal variety that pays tribute to his mother by naming it Kilinga. He developed into an agave aficionado but wasn’t fond of bacanora. It was a barbecue at a friends house that helped to change his… Keep Reading

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