Bob Piano of gallows Hill Spirits

Episode # 26 – Gallows Hill Spirits – Bob Piano

🎙This episode features Bob Piano of Gallows Hill Spirits. Bob’s fascination of distilled spirits began when he was a kid. He took an old pressure cooker and distilled a 6 pack of Budweiser. Flash forward to today where the distillery is not just about spirits… It’s about the connection to the Salem Witch Trials. Gallows Hill is a gathering place for people to learn, laugh and enjoy some amazing craft distilled spirits.  

2208 South 12th Street, Allentown, PA 18103 – (610) 628-9445 – – On Facebook

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Highlights from our discussion:

The Complete Joy of Home Brewing

Charlie Papazian

Lehigh Valley Homebrewers


Salem Witch Trials

King Edward 1st

Salem Massachusetts 

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