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hot sauce

Episode 204 – Shore Sauce – Neil Narcisse

This episode features Neil Narcisse of ⁠Shore Sauce⁠

Shore sauce started 6 years ago. Neil sat down to dinner one night and he emptied the last bottle of hot sauce in the house. He looked at the bottle and its simple ingredients. He googled recipes and how to make hot sauce. One of his favorites at Buffalo Wild Wings is the Mango Habanero. That was the flavor that he wanted to start with. He set out to make this for himself. He did however share his creation with friends and family. They all raved about how amazing his sauce was. With a belief that he was on to something, Neil started to work on a pineapple variation. That clicked too. Next was to look into and understand how the hot sauce industry worked before setting out to create a business. His sauce will transport you to memories in your past. He is the “Hot Sauce Travel Agent”. He tantalizes you with bold flavors. You will want to look for foods to add his delectable sauce to. 

P.O. Box 1527, Asbury Park, NJ 07712 – (732) 638-1034 – www.ShoreSauce.com – ⁠Instagram

Available on:

🎧 Apple https://lnkd.in/epuHmb6t

🎧 Spotify https://lnkd.in/e7HtjU2G

🎧 iHeart Radio https://lnkd.in/eFbyrDXx

🎧 Overcast https://lnkd.in/e4ZGRV2C
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Highlights From our Discussion:⁠

⁠Bowers Chile Pepper Festival⁠

⁠Asbury Park⁠



⁠Cookman Creamery⁠


⁠Dutch Hill Farm Market⁠

⁠Nevermore Hot⁠

⁠Fiery Foods Festival⁠

⁠Black Eyed Susan Spice Co.⁠

⁠Lisa Roper Wicker

Episode 201 – Black Eyed Susan Spice Co. – Sebastian Shriver

This episode features ⁠Sebastian Shriver⁠ of ⁠Black Eyed Susan Spice Co⁠.

Tim, Ron and Sebastian met playing bar trivia in Fells Point, at ⁠Max’s Tap House⁠ in Baltimore. Sebastian began creating hot sauces at home. It was Ron who was the most vocal about getting out and selling the original flavor “Death by Chocolate”. They founded the company in 2017 and went into production in 2019. There are many more amazing flavors to choose from. The different creations reflect their love of hot sauce and the spirit of Maryland. They have been featured on Hot Ones and have been honored with quite a few prestigious awards. 

www.BlackEyedSpices.com – ⁠Instagram

Available on:

🎧 Apple https://lnkd.in/ep5yU_g8

🎧 Spotify https://lnkd.in/erq9u5TY

🎧 iHeart Radio https://lnkd.in/eK-6JX9y

🎧 Overcast https://lnkd.in/esgQpnS3
and more…

Highlights From our Discussion:

⁠Bowers Chile Pepper Festival⁠

⁠Hot Ones⁠

⁠Fiery Foods and BBQ Show⁠

⁠McClintock Distilling⁠

⁠Distillery of Modern Art⁠

⁠Caribbean Pot⁠

⁠Smoking J’s Fiery Foods⁠

⁠Lyon Rum⁠

⁠Peabody Heights Brewery⁠

⁠Ginger Goat⁠

⁠Nevermore Hot⁠

⁠Asheville Brewers Alliance⁠

⁠North Carolina Craft Brewers Guild

Episode 191 – Goodlands Food Co. – Anna Dausman

Goodlands Food Co. is a Philly based hot sauce company that was a pandemic hobby that turned into something bigger. Anna had a community garden with a plot that she started growing ghost peppers. The amusing part is that the garden is in a cemetery so ghost peppers are quite befitting. Anna’s friends and family kept asking her when she would be selling her incredible hot sauces. As Anna points out, “Goodlands creates colorful seasonal inspired hot sauces for people who love flavor.” These are hot sauces that will make your food taste even better.

705 S 50th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19143 – 267-888-6580 – www.GoodlandsFood.co –⁠ Instagram

Available on:

🎧 Apple https://lnkd.in/e_4JnpQe

🎧 Spotify https://lnkd.in/ezafnDfN

🎧 iHeart Radio https://lnkd.in/e23c39Kt

🎧 Overcast https://lnkd.in/epumvNym
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Highlights From our Conversation:

⁠Woodlands Cemetery⁠

⁠The Big Dill⁠

⁠Dave’s Insanity Sauce⁠

⁠Baltimore Hot Sauce Festival⁠

⁠Bowers Chili Pepper Festival⁠

⁠Collingswood Farmers Market

Episode 112 – The Spicy Shark – Gabe DiSaverio

This episode features Gabe DiSaverio of The Spicy Shark.

Spicy Shark was born in 2018 by Gabe by combining his two favorite things in life… Hot Sauces and Sharks.  Five years ago he left behind the beer business and went pro.  After spending 17 years with the Boston beer company, he decided to follow his passion.  He grew up trying diverse ethnic food.  This included spicy food.  He turned his attention to consuming craft hot sauces.  This led him to develop recipes for his own sauces.  The line up has expanded now to include hot honey and hot maple syrup.  Everything in their shark tank is pure hot sauce deliciousness.

www.TheSpicyShark.com – Facebook

Available on:

🎧 Apple https://lnkd.in/ekGhM8vP

🎧 Google https://lnkd.in/e6wKKUdM

🎧 Spotify https://lnkd.in/eta44_8U

🎧iHeart Radio  https://lnkd.in/e7UE6isN

and more…

Highlights from our discussion:

Bowers Chili Pepper Festival

The Boston Beer Company

Curry in A Hurry

Greenport Fire

Louisiana Pepper Exchange



Peter Benchley

Shark Savers

Shark Week


Joe Romeiro

Shark Stewards

New England Hot Sauce Fest

Blue Ocean Society

Seacoast Science Center

Smuttynose Brewing Co

Johnson & Wales University

Spicy Mike’s Hot Sauce

Puckerbutt  Pepper Co

Episode 81 – Frankly Deep – Deep Kulkarni and Frank Schweitzer

This episode features Deep Kulkarni and Frank Schweitzer of Frankly-Deep Hot Sauce.

These lifelong friends, who met at Penn State, began growing peppers roughly 10 years ago.  They grew lots of different kinds of peppers too.  It was about the time that the Carolina Reaper was growing in popularity.  That’s where they transitioned into the hot sauce world.  Their passion for hot sauce comes from food.  They love to eat and they love to cook.  The ideas for different blends and different kinds of hot sauce came quickly.  They narrowed it down to the core five that they feature today.  There’s a little bit of Frank and Deep in every bottle of Frankly-Deep.  We taste through the full line and you even get food pairing tips along the way.

Brewscuits is the sponsor of the podcast.  Be sure to check them out at www.brewscuits.com.  Type in Fermented Adventure at checkout to get 15% off your first order.

www.frankly-deep.com – Facebook

Available on:

🎧 Apple https://lnkd.in/dMnXwNvt

🎧 Google https://lnkd.in/dp3er-ZA

🎧 Spotify https://lnkd.in/dXbmj6cg

🎧iHeart Radio https://lnkd.in/dkyxgBt2
and more…

Highlights from our discussion:

The Artisan Exchange

Duck Butts Meadery

Valley Forge Beer and Cider Festival

Starfish Junction Productions

Cheesesteak Adventure

Boyd & Blair

Episode 45 – Fraktured Sauce – Cheyne Geverd and Fiona Palumbo

This episode features Cheyne Geverd and Fiona Palumbo of Fraktured Sauce.  Cheyne characterizes the start Fractured as a mid life crisis event.  Cheyne’s father determined that he couldn’t taste food anymore and they started growing hot peppers in the backyard.  Spicy food stuck with the family.  Fiona grew up in Brazil where her father would bring home hot peppers local to the area and she would make her own hot sauces.  Cheyne and Fiona met on an organic farm and today they combine their passion, family traditions and love of the spicy to make some tasty hot sauces.   These are all natural hot sauces containing no gums or thickeners.  

Goshenhoppen Run Farm – 1151 Faust Road, Perkiomenville, Pennsylvania 18074 – (215) 486-4038 – www.goshrun.farm – Facebook

Available on:

🎧 Apple https://lnkd.in/d_63tkR

🎧 Anchor https://lnkd.in/djBvcPa

🎧 Spotify https://lnkd.in/dp_E5DH

🎧iHeart Radio https://lnkd.in/dgASZ3m
and more…

Highlights from our discussion:


Fiery Food Show

Steve Seabury – High River Sauces


RADS Hot Sauce




Hot Ones

Varga Bar

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