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Episode 38 – Yianni Barakos – Mason Dixon Distillery

This episode features Yianni Barakos of Mason Dixon Distillery.   Yianni was 11 years old, when his grandfather shared how to make Tsipouro, which is Greek Moonshine, that is made from grapes.  He took Welch’s Grape Juice and bread yeast and fired up the rudimentary still.  Thankfully he didn’t burn the house down but a passion for making sensational spirits was born.   He is the 2nd generation born in the United States.  His family emigrated from little villages in Greece after World War 2.  He lives by his grandparents legacy… Creating Jobs and livelihoods for the community.  Every step of the way Yianni has figured it out, overcome obstacles and has created an amazing distillery that offers “Great food… great drinks… great conversation.    

331 E Water St, Gettysburg, PA 17325 – www.masondixondistillery.com – (717) 398-3385 – Facebook

Available on:

🎧 Apple https://lnkd.in/evanjHH

🎧 Anchor https://lnkd.in/eB73nTV

🎧 Spotify https://lnkd.in/e3JYNZU

🎧iHeart Radio https://lnkd.in/ee8t5vB
and more…

Highlights from our discussion:

Gettysburg National Military Park

Smooth Ambler


Single Malt

Hollabaugh Bros


Copper Fox Distillery



Pear Brandy

Wild Yeast


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