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Episode 190 – Hercules Mulligan – Steve Luttmann

This episode features ⁠Steve Luttmann⁠ of ⁠Hercules Mulligan⁠.

In 2015 Steve, who is a history buff, was reading Ron Chernow’s ” Alexander Hamilton”. He came across this character by the name of Hercules Mulligan. This lead him to an out of print biography about Hercules Mulligan. This is where the inspiration to make the libation came about. This spirit is a nod to one of George Washington’s spies during the revolution. They are interpretations of what may have been served in his Manhattan tailor shop. Launched on November 25, 2019, it’s a fascination story complimented by exceptional concoctions. 

www.HerculesMulliganCompany.com – ⁠Instagram

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🎧 Apple https://lnkd.in/eTNZEm4g

🎧 Spotify https://lnkd.in/en2Su_HJ

🎧 iHeart Radio https://lnkd.in/eVqn5faS

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Highlights From our Discussion:

⁠Invest In Hercules Mulligan⁠

⁠Bar Convent Brooklyn⁠


⁠Grisa Soba⁠

⁠Mario Mazza⁠

⁠Barrow’s Intense⁠

⁠Scotts Mini Woodshop⁠

⁠Bathtub Gin⁠

⁠PA Libations⁠

⁠Leblon Cachaça

Episode 186 – Atelier Vie – Jedd Haas

This episode features ⁠Jedd Haas⁠ of ⁠Atelier Vie⁠.

We met Jedd last year at Tails of the Cocktail. We were introduced to the many spirits that Atelier Vie was producing. Most notably was the Toulouse Rouge and Vert Absinthe. Jedd has been producing spirits in New Orleans since 2012. Getting the distillery up and running came with some challenges. Our discussion provides glimpses into the spirits and cocktail history of the Big Easy. The expressions that are being created are definitely art that you can drink.

1001 S Broad St, New Orleans, LA 70125 – (504) 534-8590

www.AtelierVie.com – ⁠Instagram⁠

Be sure to support our sponsor ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Brewscuits⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and use the code fa2024 at checkout for 15% off your entire order.

Available on:

🎧 Apple https://lnkd.in/g-5k7uYc

🎧 Spotify https://lnkd.in/gvsJ6NBn

🎧 iHeart Radio https://lnkd.in/g6j9MDRK

🎧 Overcast https://lnkd.in/ed9mFvW7
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Highlights From our Discussion:

⁠Sazerac Cocktail⁠

⁠Tails of the Cocktail⁠


⁠Observatory Eleven Bar⁠


⁠Schneider’s of Capital Hill⁠


⁠Zony Mash Beer Project

Episode 166 – Casa W Distillery – Wally Caraballo

This episode feature ⁠Wally Caraballo⁠ of ⁠Casa W Distillery⁠.

Wally’s entrepreneurial roots go back to his father’s bar in Puerto Rico where he was making and selling his own sangria. Upon arriving to the United States he set his sights on creating and sharing the traditional Pitorro that he grew up on back home. He began the journey as a moonshiner of sorts. He crafted and perfected the Puerto Rican rum in his basement. His family and friends clamored for this wonderful elixir. Now he’s changing the game with his own expression of what he believes Pitorro should be. To date they have been open for seven months and have become a fixture and destination in the community. Some of their releases sell out so fast and they are working hard to keep up with demand. As Wally says, “Pitorro chose him”.  We are so grateful that it did. 

1339 Penn Ave, Wyomissing, PA 19610 – ⁠(610) 223-9427⁠ – ⁠Facebook

Available on:

🎧Apple https://lnkd.in/e9ZBY8YD

🎧 Google https://lnkd.in/eQn5Sm9f

🎧 Spotify https://lnkd.in/eSgyZMjA

🎧 iHeart Radio https://lnkd.in/emE7jTH4
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Highlights From our Discussion:

⁠Puerto Rico Distillery⁠

⁠Wyomissing, PA⁠

⁠Reading Distilling Guild⁠

⁠Lincoln County Method⁠

⁠La Frikatona⁠


⁠Laura Fields/Delaware Valley Fields Foundation⁠


⁠West Reading⁠

⁠Reading Pagoda

Episode 162 – Alcohol Infused Cigars – Jonathan Williams

Johathan’s father was a banker when he was laid off 11 years ago. He decided that he no longer wanted to work for anyone else. Infusing cigars began as a hobby which has blossomed into his profession. It took a lot of trial and error for selecting the wrapper and perfecting the different infusions. You can find them at festivals selling the perfect pairing to beers, wines and spirits. Or order online and have them shipped right to your door. They even have a cigar club where you will receive special infusions. 

www.AlcoholInfusedCigars.com –⁠ Instagram

Available on:

🎧Apple https://lnkd.in/eTZgaJvq

🎧 Google https://lnkd.in/eu3fYGyv

🎧 Spotify https://lnkd.in/eC4NTf5P

🎧 iHeart Radio https://lnkd.in/e5epfQ3N
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Highlights From our Discussion:

⁠Eat. Drink. Relax⁠

⁠Maryland State Fairgrounds⁠

⁠Captain Morgan

Episode 155 -Tales Of The Cocktail 2023 – Eileen Wayner

This episode feature Eileen Wayner of ⁠Tales of the Cocktail⁠.

In 2001 Tales of the Cocktail began as a walking tour of the French Quarter in New Orleans. The desire was to have conversations, explore spirits and to learn. Twenty one years later TOTC is the leading drinks based cocktail/festival. This week long conference takes place at the Ritz Carlton. There are activations and parties that are scattered throughout the city as well. This year they offered 65 seminars providing education on a wide variety of topics. Attendees had their share of tastings and celebrations to enjoy and there was no shortage of libations to imbibe on. The featured bartenders showed off their amazing skills and creativity showcasing spirits, flavorings and a feast for the senses. The experiences are endless during this 5 day extravaganza. We hear from Eileen about the highlights of 2023 and what to look forward to in 2024. 

www.TalesOfTheCocktail.org – ⁠Facebook

Available on:

🎧Apple https://lnkd.in/eXWE7DcZ

🎧 Google https://lnkd.in/e9H2z7E3

🎧 Spotify https://lnkd.in/eVFxUsd2

🎧 iHeart Radio https://lnkd.in/eZGSER6X
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Highlights From our Discussion:

⁠The Ritz Carlton⁠

⁠New Orleans, LA⁠

⁠Singapore Tourism Board⁠

⁠Cocktail Apprentice Program⁠

⁠Johnson & Wales University⁠

⁠YouTube Channel for TOTC⁠

⁠Spirited Awards⁠

⁠Tiffanie Barriere

Episode 150 – Matt Pietrek – The Rum and Cocktail Wonk

This episode features ⁠⁠Matt Pietrek⁠ ⁠The Cocktail Wonk⁠⁠⁠⁠.

It all started about 15 years ago with the love of tiki cocktails. The more that Matt learned the more excited he got. He took his writing experience and turned it into the Cocktail Wonk Blog. For Matt it’s the flavor, the run and the exotic fruits that make the tiki cocktails appealing to him. Beach Bum Berry’s, Sippin’ Safari Book helped all of this to click into place for him. This episode highlights history, rum, tiki and an overall passion for being a Wonk. 

www.WonkPress.com – ⁠Instagram

Available on:

🎧 Apple https://lnkd.in/g65g3kkH

🎧 Google https://lnkd.in/gyJTzcVD

🎧 Spotify https://lnkd.in/gH2frwmN

🎧 iHeart Radio https://lnkd.in/gG3y4xqe
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Highlights From our Discussion:

⁠Jeff “Beachbum” Berry⁠

⁠David Wondrich⁠

⁠Martin Cave – Smugglers Cove⁠

⁠3 Dots and a Dash⁠

⁠The Inferno Room⁠


⁠Minimalist Tiki⁠


⁠Jason Alexander⁠

⁠Privateer Rum Distillery⁠

⁠Modern Caribbean Rum⁠

⁠Wonk Press

Bar Convent Brooklyn 2023 – Jackie Williams

Bar Convent Brooklyn was back in Industry City for 2023. This years event was expanded to occupy more space. The booths and activations were bigger and even better. BCB is a party where business gets done. 4,500 industry professionals attended over 2 days. There were 198 brands represented and visitors came from 51 countries and 46 states. 475,000 spirit samples were enjoyed. Sip and savor this recap of the 2 day extravaganza and look to reserve your spot for 2024’s BCB being held on June 11th and 12th. 


Available on:

🎧 Apple https://lnkd.in/eNiQJPej

🎧 Google https://lnkd.in/e8gihJK2

🎧 Spotify https://lnkd.in/ewqHAgKz

🎧 iHeart Radio https://lnkd.in/eiRYjDYx
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Highlights From our Discussion:


⁠Shanky’s Whip⁠

⁠Park Street University⁠

⁠Hendrick’s Gin⁠




⁠Barrows Intense Ginger⁠

⁠Brooklyn Kura⁠

⁠Standard Wormwood⁠

⁠Fort Hamilton Distillery⁠

⁠Industry City⁠

Episode 127 – Lyon Rum – Jamie Windon

This episode features Jaime Windon of Lyon Rum.

Jaime has a penchant for saying yes to crazy ideas.  On a whim she drove down to Kentucky and bought a 26 galloon still to make rum.  Lyon Rum was embraced by the small town of St. Michaels, MD as the distillery began to take shape and grow.  It’s Jaime’s love of making things for people and serving them that has helped to make this rum distillery a major success.  They’re putting a unique fingerprint on the rum industry by making genuinely flavorful and complex spirits. 

605 S Talbot St UNIT 6, St Michaels, MD 21663 (443) 333-9181– www.LyonRum.com – Facebook

Available on:

🎧 Apple  https://lnkd.in/eZ–AJik

🎧 Google https://lnkd.in/edjmukHn

🎧 Spotify  https://lnkd.in/e4EtSfas

🎧iHeart Radio  https://lnkd.in/erBnpxRR
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Highlights From our Discussion:

Tiffani Barriere

Amaro Santoni

Rise Up Coffee Roasters

Episode 117 – Canary Cocktails And Spirits – Philip Search and Don Benedetto

This episode features Philip Search and Don Benedetto of Canary Cocktails and Spirits.

Philip has been in the beverage industry for a long time.  He’s been involved with the coffee industry, managing bars and restaurants and helping to set up bar programs.  When Covid hit and impacted the bars in the area he was more then ready to roll up his sleeves and dive right in to help.  Don’s background as an attorney has helped to navigate the in’s and out’s of getting the business up and running.  Not to mention his skill at putting labels onto cans.  Canary Cocktails is producing first rate amazing ready to drink cocktails.  Their experience has helped to create a true high end cocktail in a can.  They source the finest spirits and ingredients.  You’ll be hooked on the first sip.  From there you’ll be a raving fan of the brand and their craft cocktails.

214 N Aberdeen Ave, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087 – (610) 392-3203 – www.CanarySpirits.com – Instagram

Available on:

🎧 Apple https://lnkd.in/gn-FS5Zu

🎧 Google https://lnkd.in/guAeRVDx

🎧 Spotify https://lnkd.in/gK5Tg4WD

🎧iHeart Radio https://lnkd.in/g_x8T8_P
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Highlights from our discussion:

Widow Jane

Spring House Spirits

Method Spirits

Eda Rhyne Distilling Company


Episode 116 – Spring House Spirits – Chris Demars – Randy and Jenn Litwin

This episode features Chris Demars, Randy Litwin and Jenn Litwin of Spring House Spirits.

Sixty years ago Chris’s grandmother taught him how to distill spirits, make wine and brew beer.  Chris worked as a nuclear engineer which is kind of like being a distiller.  He longed to come back to the family farm and get back to his distilling roots.  He pays homage to his grandmothers background by bringing several grains together in the mash bill.  This bespoke farm distillery is creating amazing spirits that are full of character and flavor.  Each bottle highlights the quality of the process, the local grains, and the connection to the history of the surrounding Chester County community.

25 Martin Rd, Coatesville, PA 19320 – (610)593-7348 – www.SpringHouseSpirits.com – Facebook

Available on:

🎧 Apple https://lnkd.in/eDYUjuKn

🎧 Google https://lnkd.in/ea2WYev4

🎧 Spotify https://lnkd.in/eBWZSFsk

🎧iHeart Radio https://lnkd.in/e4jt3ijx
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Highlights from our discussion:

St. Malachi Church

M & D Staves

Zook Molasses Company

Grey Goose Vodka

Deer Creek Malthouse

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